North Buncombe FFA Members receiving the American FFA Degree

Buncombe County Schools (BCS) graduates are climbing to greater heights as they take on the world around them. Every day they are chasing new challenges and accomplishing new achievements. Much of their success comes from the education they received from BCS.

Five graduates from North Buncombe High School (NBHS) recently received a prestigious award for their efforts with Future Farmers of America (FFA). NBHS class of 2021 Ryan Bartlett, Clara Hale, Seth Robinson, Cole Gillespie and Cambell Hall were all bestowed with the American FFA Degree. 

The American FFA Degree is the highest degree awarded in the National FFA Organization. This award shows the dedication an FFA member has for his or her chapter and state FFA association. Recipients of the award have shown promise for the future and continually go above and beyond in order to achieve excellence. 

“Having five former students receive this award is a career highlight,” said NBHS Agriculture Education Teacher and FFA Advisor Justin Gillespie. “Ag teachers have always built strong relationships by challenging students to always work towards achieving their goals. This dedication reflects how hard this group has worked to achieve greatness.”

To learn more about the American FFA Degree, please visit: