Serve to lead club playing with children in the Dominican Republic

This summer a group of students and staff from Charles D. Owen High School (OHS) embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime international trip to serve those most in need. 

OHS Spanish teacher Anne Haffey oversees the Serve to Lead Club. The group meets to engage youth in ethical leadership development, global education, and service projects both locally and across the globe. This past June the students and Ms. Haffey traveled to Caraballo, Dominican Republic, for a service-based learning project. 

“Serve to Lead works to provide clean water and sanitation, proper housing, nutrition, healthcare, education, and employment for low-income communities,” said Ms. Haffey. “OHS was invited to travel this summer to the Dominican Republic.”

Over the course of the one-week stay, students organized a summer camp, helped build latrines, and held a health clinic. When the group wasn’t busy volunteering, they enjoyed ziplining, swimming, and shopping. Ms. Haffey witnessed the significant impact this experience had on her students. 

“It was fantastic to see the students who had never flown on an airplane before and see them immersed in another culture,” she explained. “For my students, this was an eye-opening experience that they will never forget. They were pushed to their limits both physically and emotionally, but they continued to rise to the occasion. Folks in the Dominican Republic continually praised the OHS students for their positive attitude and dedication to their work.”

Since the trip, the students have a newfound love for their club and the world around them. 

“This group of students grew in many ways from their Spanish language skills to forming a desire to volunteer their time and talents in North Carolina and throughout the world,” said Ms. Haffey. “They grew to understand that they have so much to share with others and are looking forward to hopefully another trip in the future.”

Owen High student giving a piggyback ride to a younger child.