About Middle College

Buncombe County Middle College serves 11th and 12th grade students who could benefit from a unique learning environment.  Students’ reasons for coming to Middle College are as diverse as the students themselves. Our students prefer and appreciate a small, personalized learning environment. 

Our location on A-B Tech’s campus allows us to offer unique course options and to foster an academic environment that promotes career and college readiness.  One of our primary goals is to help students bridge the divide between high school and their post-graduation lives.

Buncombe County has some of the highest achieving public schools and one of the best community colleges in North Carolina. Buncombe County Schools is dedicated to meeting the needs of all students, including those who benefit from alternatives to traditional education. Some students’ needs are not met in a traditional high school setting. Middle College is another option for students seeking an alternative to Buncombe County’s already excellent system of schools.

Middle College is a NC Cooperative-Innovative High School. As such, our target population are students that would benefit from an accelerated high school pathway, students at risk of dropping out of high school, and students that will be the first in their family to graduate from college or who would have difficulty accessing community college and/or university education. 

School Mission Statement

 Buncombe County Middle College supports all students for life beyond high school by providing flexible, challenging, and relevant academic pathways in a safe and supportive environment.  

School Vision Statement

BCMC provides a bridge to opportunities for all learners so that they are empowered to recognize and achieve their full potential in our community and beyond.

What makes Middle College different from a traditional high school? 

Middle College is a NC Cooperative Innovative High School. We offer students a NC high school diploma through alternative pathways from traditional high schools:

  • Middle College classes are held between 8:30 am and 3:45 pm on the Asheville campus of A-B Tech Community College. Courses are available to students throughout the day, with most students taking three courses each semester. 

  • Middle College students can earn tuition-free college credit while also earning high school credit. In addition to a high school diploma, students may earn transfer credit toward a two year or four year degree, workforce certification, or work toward an Associates Degree. 

  • Middle College offers classes averaging 18 students. 

  • Middle College does not offer many of the comprehensive programs found in traditional high schools such as sports, art and music, drama, and clubs.

  • School bus transportation to and from Middle College from one of the six BCS district high schools may be an option for students. The use of daily school bus transportation is dependent upon a student's semester schedule. 

  • High school diplomas from Middle College hold the same credentials as all other NC high school diplomas.